#67 – What Would You Be Doing…

…if you weren’t doing this?

That’s the question, isn’t it?  What would I be doing right now if I wasn’t sitting at my computer writing about what I would be doing if I wasn’t doing this.  More than likely, I’d still be sitting at my computer, either playing a video game or reading through some of my D&D manuals to work on the next adventure I’m running or just killing time on Facebook.I probably wouldn’t be writing though.  That’s the whole point of this after all; to establish that habit of writing everyday so that, when I’m done this project (and it’s coming sooner everyday) I have the skills and practice to finally delve into creating a project I’ll try and get published.

I’ll admit it, I’m terrible at keeping up on things.  So many of my projects sit untouched on my computer.  I keep saying I’ll come back to them but I never seem to get around to it.  So this project is teaching me work ethic when it comes to my writing and even though it feels like a chore sometimes (let’s face it, not every prompt is a grand slam), I honestly couldn’t imagine not doing my prompts.

This upcoming February is going to be bittersweet.

Behind the Random: More than once, I’ve thought about quitting the prompts.  Sometimes it was too stressful trying to find the time to sit down and write them and others I was getting a string of annoying and/or boring prompts that just took the fun out of it.  In the end though, I’m glad I’ve persevered and I’m now approaching the endgame.  It’s been an eye-opening experience, to say the least.