#164 – What Were You Doing This Time Last Year

On this day, last year, I was still getting settled into my new place and we’d just gotten the internet hooked up.  What a nightmare that turned out to be as we discovered I couldn’t wire my computer up and we had to buy a USB WiFi device to connect to the modem.  Then it was the hassle of getting it to connect, which naturally didn’t work the first four times I tried.  Finally, perseverance won out and I was back on the interwebs.

It was the first prompt I’d done in over a week.  Before that, I had to stockpile a bunch and have them set to publish over the following days.  So what was my writing challenge that day, heralding my return to consecutive writing?  Why, it was a little poem I wrote about that time I peed my pants.

All in all, not the best day I’ve had.  Certainly not the worst one I’d have either.

Behind the Random: One thing that’s interesting about doing these prompts is reading back every now and then and trying to remember where my head was at when I did it.  In retrospect, I could have used the Behind the Randoms as a journal of sorts…aw well, live and learn.

#473 – Write About Two Characters…

…who have known each other for a long time, and give one of them a secret.

Matt and Travis met on the first day of middle school.  Both of them, new to the city and the school, had no friends and had to struggle with being the ‘new kid’.  Fortunately, they banded together and developed a friendship.  They had each others back when times got tough and helped each other through that awkward teenage time.

Over the years, their connection remained strong even after they moved away from each other.  As technology advanced, they kept in touch more and more frequently.  There were visits and trips and phone calls.  Travis was Matt’s best man at his wedding, traveling halfway across the country to stand at his friends side.  Travis became known as Uncle Trav to Matt’s kids and visited on holidays, arms full of presents for this second family.

One day, Travis called Matt with new and exciting news; he was seeing someone and it was getting serious.  Then he dropped a bombshell he’d been keeping inside for years.  Travis was gay and had been for years.  At first, Matt didn’t say anything, then he offered up supportive words.  Despite that, though, Travis felt something was up.

Over time, the phone calls became shorter and less frequent.  Plans were changed and visits were cancelled.  Travis tried hard to salvage his relationship, but Matt felt lied to and betrayed that Travis had kept this a secret from him for so long.  Matt had always been disgusted by homosexual lifestyle and wasn’t afraid to be vocal about it.  As he’d gotten older, he’d mellowed out a bit and Travis had hoped that he had learned to be more open minded with age.

Sadly, that wasn’t the case and, eventually, years of loyal friendship shriveled up and disappeared.

Behind the Random: To me, the idea of abandoning a friendship due to sexual preference is ludicrous.  I have never had a gay friend (to my knowledge), but I have never judged anyone on what they do in the bedroom.  That’s like basing your opinion on someone based on what sports teams they cheer for… Unfortunately, this kind of stuff does happen and it’s too bad.  Sometimes I’ve wondered, if I were gay and were to come out, would my friends still stand by me or would they see me as something else?  I’m pretty sure I know the answer to that though.

#407 – Suddenly, you can Hear Everyone’s Thoughts…

…and you are shocked by what they think about you.  Write their thoughts.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement.  My telepathy returned to me so suddenly, I nearly passed out from the cacophony of noise that crashed down on me like tidal wave, threatening to sweep me away into madness.  Fortunately, like riding a bike, old instincts kicked in and I was able to push back the wall of voices and hold them at bay.  Confusion gave way to revelation as the reality of the world around me became truth.

Finally, I understand why I feel so alienated to those around me.  My general distrust of people constantly gnawing away at me.  Still, I never would have thought, in my wildest dreams, that what I learned was even remotely a possibility.  How could I?

I mean, how often do you learn that you’re actually a pan-dimensional being trapped on this planet and held by similar beings who have disguised themselves as friends and family only to keep me in my place?  That you are serving a billion year sentence on this planet for crimes you don’t ever remember committing in the first place, brainwashed into obedience?

I don’t know how long I’ve been chained to this time, but I can feel my power returning.  I don’t think they know that I’ve slipped my proverbial leash yet, so I’ll continue acting like .  Then, when the moment is right and I have the power to break out of this temporal prison, I’ll get my answers and eventually vengeance against them and everyone else who thought that they could control me.

Time will burn before my might and I will laugh.

Behind the Random: I’m a big fan of the hero of the story being revealed to be the villain all along, especially when they have no idea all along.  It rarely surprises me, it’s still makes for a fun spin on events.

In other news, this post marks the beginning of the end for 642 as we enter the double digits.  Only 99 prompts remain.  I’m both excited and apprehensive about what’s going to happen when I’m done.

#310 – A Never-Ending Breakup

“I can’t do this anymore, Tyler!” Rachel fumed, throwing her hands up in the air.  “Every week, it’s the same damn promises and the same damn lies.  Every goddamn week.  When are you going to grow up and stop being such a child?”

“When are you going to pull your head out of your butt and get off my case?” Tyler yelled back, his eyes wide and jaw set for a fight, “Maybe if you didn’t hassle me so much, I wouldn’t have to lie to get you off my back!”

A look of outraged disbelief crossed Rachel’s face, “Oh really?  And if I don’t ‘hassle you’,” She throws up quotations signs with her fingers in a sharp sarcastic manner, “then all you’d do is sit around drinking beer, smoking weed, and playing your damn video games.”

Tyler reflexively opened and closed his hands, trying to relieve the growing stress in his arms and shoulders.  “I work 10 hour days earning money for this house.  So if I want to enjoy my time off, that’s my business.  What do you do with your time all day, huh?”

A dangerous look cross Rachel’s face, a flash of pure hate crossing her eyes, “Oh ho ho, don’t you even get me started on that.  You think I have it easy here, cleaning up after you and Dyson without any help from you at all?  You come home covered in filth and just expect me to pick up after you?”

“Then get a job and we can hire someone to do it for us!” Tyler countered, “Nobody asked you to be a stay-at-home mom.  You choose this.”

“I only agreed to that because you promised you were getting that promotion.  Do you remember that?  Now it’s been three years and you’re still right where you started.  Just a shiftless loser who can’t stay sober enough to pick his own son up from daycare when I need you to.”

Tyler pointed a accusing finger at her, “You know what, Sabrina was right about you.  You’re just a stuck up crybaby who’s never happy about anything.”

Her eyes shot open in shock, “You’re talking to Sabrina again?  You sleeping with her too?  Didn’t get enough from last time?”

A sharp bark of a laugh erupted from Tyler as he shook his head, “Oh don’t act all high and mighty.  I know you’ve been bumping and grinding with Vic, so shut your mouth.”

“At least he knows how to treat a lady, unlike my caveman boyfriend!  When’s the last time you even said anything nice about me?” She practically shrieked, her face going a bright red color.

“Ha!  I guess he’s never met a lady before then.” Tyler threw back at her, a cruel grin on his lips.

Rachel picked up a plate from the counter, completely consumed by anger and rage, “Oh I hate you!” She screamed as she hurled the plate at Tyler.  It happened so fast, he could only stand there and watch as it hurtled towards his head.

Suddenly, time began to slow then eventually stop competely.  The plate hung in the air as both Tyler and Rachel remained frozen where they stood.  Silence filled the entire universe for a moment, then a cracking sound louder than a thousand rockets tore through existence and everything went white then faded as time reset itself.

“I can’t do this anymore, Tyler!” Rachel fumed, throwing her hands up in the air.  “Every week, it’s the same damn promises and the same damn lies.  Every goddamn week.  When are you going to grow up and stop being such a child?”

“When are you going to pull your head out of your butt and get off my case?” Tyler yelled back, his eyes wide and jaw set for a fight, “Maybe if you didn’t hassle me so much, I wouldn’t have to lie to get you off my back!”

Behind the Random: Imagine being in the middle of some terrible situation that just repeats itself for all eternity.  Just doing it over and over.  Of course, I suppose it would only be hell if you were actually aware of the repeat…

#231 – Where will You be Exactly One Year from this Moment?

Mentally, I will most likely be the same as I am this year in comparison with last year; wondering just what the hell was going through my head at that time.  It’s a vicious cycle.

Financially, I don’t foresee many changes happening in the next 12 months unless something really crazy shakes things up.

Spiritually, I haven’t changed much in ten years so I don’t imagine that shifting much, barring a Rapture, Reckoning, or Armageddon.  Even then, I’m a pretty stubborn guy.

Physically, given that the Earth spins around a sun that rotates around a galaxy that turns around the universe that may or may not follow it’s own path through the multiverse, I haven’t a clue.  My exact location in one year time would take the mathematical skills of someone far better than me.

All in all, I imagine the status quo will more or less be the same.

Behind the Random: There more things change, the more things stay the same.  That certainly seems to be the story of my life.  And I’m alright with that.

#587 – Begin With…

…”It didn’t seem like much at the time.”

It didn’t seem like much at the time.  The clock tick tocking away with its methodical beat.  I stared at numbered face, counting down from the time I had left.  Every second of every minute of every hour is observed and its loss is mentally noted.  The hands move on, ever forward and never back.  Everything disappears in time.  Money.  Love.  Hatred.  Pain.  Life.  Washed away in the oceans of eternity.

It didn’t seem like much at the time, but time is all we have in the end.

Behind the Random: Just a random observation.  Nothing more to see here.  Carry on until tomorrow.

#92 – The Next Sound You Hear…

…and what caused it.

Tick tock
Goes the clock
Tick tock
It will not stop

Time marches inevitably on, such as it’s nature.  It grows trees and grinds civilizations into dust.  It is the most powerful force in the universe and it’s impact is nigh unstoppable.

As I sit in my dining room at my computer listening to the telltale ticking and tocking from my mom’s old clock, I am aware of the passing of every second in the quiet room.  It echoes off the walls and in my ears, becoming louder and louder as I feel time around me.

That’s when I have a startling realization that shakes me from my meditation.  Horror dawns on me and I feel an icy pit form in my gut, sending spikes of fear up my spine.  That’s when I suddenly realized that I haven’t heard anything from the kids in the past five minutes.

Behind the Random: Originally this was going to be a poem, but I didn’t like anything that was coming out of it and then my internet tab closed and for some reason WordPress didn’t save a draft so I had to restart.  So I closed my eyes and listened to the clock tick and try to grab a hold of inspiration again and that’s when I realized that I hadn’t heard a sound coming from the downstairs.  Immediately, that led me to wonder what they’ve destroyed this time…

Fortunately, it was nothing this time.  They were playing quietly (which is something of a blue moon around here).

#527 – That Time You Peed Your Pants

It starts with a tingle
That I have to tinkle
as it builds to urgent roar.
I start to move in a panic
as the feelings gets frantic
When I find a locked bathroom door.
I twist the knob and shout
to get that person out
but it just falls on deaf ears.
My pants become a foul lake
And then I realize my mistake,
I shouldn’t have had all those beers.

Behind the Random: And with that funny little ditty, I’m back to my regular scheduled posts.  It’s good to be on a schedule again and not stressing about whether I did enough posts to cover my internetlessness.

#336 – An Hour to Go

Only an hour left.  I look at the clock for what feels like the thousandth time.  Each second seems to drag on further than the last as if time itself was against me.  I close my eyes and put my head in my hands as I continue to wait.

I have been trapped for what felt like eternity and now that the end was finally here, it felt like it was even longer.  I tried to remember what it was like to be free, to feel the sun on my face and wind in my hair.  I can’t wait to see my mom and sister again, I just hope they can forgive me for what I have done.

It was stupid, I know, and I had confessed as soon as I was caught.  I’m sure that helped my case, but I still needed to be punished for it.  Made an example of.  I know the others got it worse and would be away a lot longer.

A glance at the clock confirms that it is, in fact, not moving backwards but still too slow.  I wonder what I’ll do first when I’m free.  Maybe have some ice cream.  I miss ice cream almost as much as I miss my family.

A door opens and a heavy-set man in a suit steps in.  His name eludes me.  He gives me a disapproving look.  “Not long now, Mr. Courd.”

I don’t say anything, just nod.  More time passes, but not as much as I would like.  I sit and dwell on the events that led up to my being here.  The chaos I caused.  So many lives disrupted because of one stupid decision.

The clock continues to tick.

My decision remains strong.  If I ever get out of here, I’ll be a changed man.  I never want to be trapped like this again, a caged animal denied of dignity and respect.  It wasn’t worth it at all.  Eventually, I’ll be able to put this behind me, I hope.

Please forgive me, mom.

“Alright, time’s up.” The man says.  I look at the clock and see that it has in fact been an hour.  Wasn’t it still forever ago?  “You’re free to go.”

I stand up and move for the door, but the man stops me with a hand on my shoulder.  “Maybe next time you’ll think twice about pulling the fire alarm, huh?  Next time, it won’t be detention.  It’ll be suspension.”

I nod, “Yes’sir.” and I leave the room, moving quickly to exit the school.  I’ve already been here far longer than I wanted to be.

Behind the Random: Just another classic twist story.  Pretty unremarkable, in my opinion, and I just did it to get it out of the way.  I managed to throw my wife for a loop with it, so that’s a plus.

#549 – Extend a Short Interaction…

…as long as possible.

The phone rang.  And rang.  And rang again.  Finally, I picked it up.  Lifting it up to my ear, I paused for a second before answering it.  “Hello?”  I offered.

The voice at the other end didn’t respond right away.  I could hear tapping and shuffling of papers.  Whoever was calling was clearly not giving me their undivided attention.  I felt a little insulted.  Why would you call me then not say anything when I respond to you?

This was such a waste of time.  I could be doing more important things than sitting on the phone waiting for this person to quit taking up daylight.  Like get started on my taxes or call my mother.  Even clean the gutters of my house.

My grip tightened on phone as I sucked a deep breath through my nose, attempting to control my temper.  Every part of me wanted hang up.  Or maybe yell into the phone then hang up.  Either way, hanging up definitely seemed like the best course of action.  Then I could move on with my life.

I can’t let some time-sucking person control my life.  I don’t have time for this.  I have a life to live here and I can’t waste precious seconds of my life sitting on the phone, waiting for some mook to finally get to the point and graciously tell me what he wanted.  How dare they rob me of precious time!

We don’t get that back.  He can never repay me for what he’s stolen.  Those moments are gone now, ripped away and cast into the nothingness of the universe.  Thanks to this silent jerk, I’ll accomplish less in my life than I would have if he had never called.

I should just hang up.  Just hang up the phone.  It’s really simple.

If it was really important, wouldn’t have the person have spoken up by now?  How important can it be, anyways?  It’s not like I have any pressing matters to attend to.  Nothing that warrants taking up my time like this.

It was an outrage.  Whoever this was was going to get a piece of my mind in a moment.  I’m a busy man, after all.  No time for this foolishness.  No time at all.

Finally, the man on the other end of the line speaks up.  “Ah, is this Mr. Aaron Aaronson?”

“No, I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.” I reply.

“Sorry to take up your time then, sir.  Have a nice day.” The man responds cordially.

“No problem.  Have a good one.” I tell him and we both hang up.

Behind the Random: This one was not fun to do.  I’m not much of a details person so to stretch out a scene was like pulling teeth for me.  This one took me well over an hour to write that short amount.  Still, I did it and I’m glad I did since it proved to me that I can.