#317 – Think of a Person you Despise…

…now describe all the wonderful things about that person.

I remember he loved his animals, especially that little German Shepherd pup.  It was the only time I really seen a side of him that wasn’t mean and angry all the time.  Something about animals just flipped his switch and made him a better person, even for just a moment.

That explains why he took his dog on the job sites with him.  He was already a pretty hard worker, when he wasn’t drunk or high and even then he almost never missed a day of work.  I’m not sure if that’s a testament to his character or the relationship he had with his brother, who owned the company he worked for.

That was probably the most spectacular thing.  His brother and him were like the sun and moon.  In his own way, he loved his family I suppose and they him to give him so many chances.  No matter how many times he let them down, they would just wait for him to pull himself back up and dust himself off and then welcome him back in.

The best thing about the man though, the thing that makes him so great, is that he’s no longer in my life to cause pain and fear.  Just another chapter in my life lost in the book of time.  And that’s a wonderful thing.

Behind the Random: If I had to name the person that comes closest to me actually hating, it would be my mom’s ex-boyfriend.  I’ve written about him before, about how abusive and angry he was.  This was really hard because there isn’t a lot about him that was good.  I’m pretty sure most of this is exaggeration, excpet for the dog part.  He really did love that dog.