#621 – Write a Scene…

…set in a different location, using all the details from #620.

Log #926102


Invisible to the naked eye, the ship landed with barely a whisper.  I checked to make sure the cloaking technology was holding before I set out to explore this new world unexplored world.  All the readings indicated what scientists at home had theorized; the atmosphere of the planet was similar to ours, creating a hospitable environment.

Our long range satellites had discovered the planet two years ago and billions of dollars were spent to send one man and one ship across the galaxy.  It was a point of pride for me that I was chosen.  I was going to be a hero.

I checked the airlocks of my suit.  Despite what all the equipment was telling me, who knew what kind of airborne alien germs would be in the air.  The suit would also keep me invisible from both the denizens of this world and their primitive equipment.  Satisfied that I was ready, I waited for the entry hatch to slide open with a hiss and ventured out.I had landed in the middle of a green strip of land surrounded by what was believed to be the dwellings of the inhabitants of this world.  Vegetation similar to my own planets, of various types and sizes.  From what I was able to surmise, it was in the middle of the fertile season for this area of the planet.Before one domicile, there appeared to be an ornate symbol.  From the top of a large rock, water sprayed upwards and into a well around it.  I studied it for a moment, curious about the purpose of this display.  Was it a place of worship or mysticism?  Surely it wasn’t something as pedestrian as mere decoration.  It seemed like such a waste of time, energy, and material.My sensors detected something in the air.  At first, I thought my fears of a dangerous bacteria was confirmed and I brought up the HUD in my visor.  Instead, I was alerted that strange noxious elements were mingling in the air, moved by the wind from an industrial area we’d spotted not too far away.  It seemed odd that living spaces would be kept so close to a dangerous environment, but we knew next to nothing about the people who called this world home.  Perhaps they were immune to the poisons floating about them?  That was the popular opinion within our brain tank.Strange vehicles rumbled past me as I explored the land.  Some were large and box-ish while others were more compact, clearly made for speed.  The alien life forms piloting the vehicles did so with their appendages, manipulating a wheel to control the machines movements.  It was odd to observe, like watching an infant learn to walk.  From what I could surmise, none of them had flight capability.  Whatever our sensors detected soaring through the skies, it was not these contraptions.Further exploration uncovered several large buildings nestled closely with the much smaller holdings.  A thorough scan revealed that it was a place of gathering for the pursuit of knowledge.  It appeared to target the younger of the species, as archaic as that sounds.  It’s strange to think of a race not utilizing sub-neuro transmissions to educate.  Very eye opening.Speaking of the youth, they were everywhere I looked.  Running and frolicking without abandon about the lesser vegetation with no clear control.  They would make a noise I can only describe as annoying and loud.  Odd metallic structures were scattered around the living area, serving a place for the young to congregate and interact.  Their purpose remains a mystery to me and I will investigate later.I attempted to make a soil extraction, but discovered that, despite the abundance of vegetation in the area, the ground was uneven.  Further investigation revealed that the plantlife was far more unruly than I suspected.  It grew at a fantastic rate and spread quickly.  So much so that I had the opportunity to observe some of the native lifeforms engage in a control effort to quell the swelling ranks.  Why the species don’t simply eliminate the problem is just another question I have no answers for.During my mission, I’ve had opportunity to inspect the alien forms closer.  They appear to vary in size, shape, and color.  They also differ by gender, but thus far I have only encountered two.  Curiously, they don’t all speak in a common language but instead on insisting to use dialects alien to each other.  The sensors of my suit picked up more elements in the air, each coming from a different area and mingling together to create a cacophony of olfactory overload.  According to readings, the sources are organic in nature and may actually be the dietary requirements these people consume, though once again the variety of it surprises me.  I’d like to thank the creator of the suit at this point, protecting me from whatever oddities this backwards people subject themselves to.I investigated the area for three days, monitoring the area from the safety of my ship when the sun dropped below the horizon.  Oddly, even in times of rest, the denizens of this world remain active, though not as in great of numbers.  It appears that the cover of darkness is an excellent opportunity for the alien forms to engage in activities considered taboo by the majority.  This was actually quite fascinating, as it gave me a chance to watch local protection services in action.  Over the three days, I managed to capture over a dozen interactions between the transgressors and the oppressors.This has been, perhaps, the most important piece of information.  While there is still much more observing to do, which will be easier once our satellite has achieved orbit and can begin it’s own global observations.  With some luck and patience, we will learn everything we need to know about this planet so we can prepare our own forces for initial landfall.I will report back once I have learned more.  Hail the All Earth Empire and may it’s universal influence continue to expand across the cosmos.

Behind the Random: Well, that’s what I get for not following the directions.  The way I did the original post made it a lot harder to do this one but I think I managed to muddle my way through it okay.

#59 – The Best Thing That Could Happen

Nobody really know how or why it happened.  Literally overnight, the entire human race changed forever.  Sickness and hunger became a thing to be forgotten.  Those petty needs that once plagued us vanished as millions around the world who suffered suddenly knew what it was like to walk in the sunlight.

Everyday, we grew stronger and faster as we developed senses beyond anything we could have ever imagined..  We learned to break free from the Earth and soar through the sky.  As our perception changed, so did our ideas and mankind experienced a technological evolution that quickly gained to our physical one.

There were hiccups of course, as less than scrupulous ones tried to use their new found strength for personal gain, but they couldn’t stand against the tidal wave of power crashing down around the planet.  There was no need for crime anymore.  Everyone was equal and no one wanted anymore.

Eventually, it came time to leave.  The universe beckoned to us, promising to reveal sights and sounds we could never imagine.  That was the day that humanity officially died out, replaced with something greater than what it was.  Now we are scattered to every corner of reality, our quest for discovery never ending.

We are ascended now.

Behind the Random:  I can come up with a thousand and one ways things can get worse, but I struggle when I try to think of how things could be better.  People tell me that’s a bit of a pessimistic attitude but I disagree.  I prefer to think of myself as a grim optimist.  I still look at silver linings that optimists do, except mine are little tarnished and a lot less polished.

Now, on to the topic itself; I have no idea.  I thought about writing about winning the lottery and never having to worry about money again, but realistically I know that doesn’t happen.  The more money you have, the more you want more money.  Even my cheap ass couldn’t resist the temptation of blowing even the most obscene amount of money well within my lifetime.  So that’s hardly the best thing that could happen.

So I started thinking broader, beyond the best thing that could happen to me and more the best thing that could happen to the human race, which is odd since I dislike people passionately.  There is a flip side to this though.  If the human race were to ascend, as I put it, the entire planet would benefit from it.  So in the end, it would be the best thing to happen.

#68 – Write…

…in ridiculous detail, directions on how to get to your house.

Check your harmonic vibrations to ensure they are synchronized with mine so we share the same dimensional wavelength.  Once you’ve established that we exist in the same time/space continuum, locate the Milky Way Galaxy.  The next part of your journey is a little tricky as you need to navigate to our Solar System.  Keep an eye on your map as it’s really easy to get lost seeing as they are over 100-400 billion stars and planets in the Milky Wway.  Take your next right at Pluto.  Travel 4.67 billion miles (give or take 2 billion miles, depending on the season).  If you hit Venus, you’ve gone to far.

Once you’ve reached Earth and have entered it’s nitrogen-oxygen rich atmosphere, it’s a left at the northern hemipshere through North America.  From there, it’s a simple hop and a jump to my house.  It’s the third door on the right with a green car out front.  You can’t miss it.

Behind the Random: Now obviously I wasn’t going to put actual directions on how to reach my house out onto the internet because that’s just silly.  Internet stalkers will just have to do the legwork themselves.  However, this did present a problem on how I was going to complete this challenge.  So I thought instead of going really small in detail, let’s get really large.  After that, directions navigating through a city wouldn’t compare.

#578 – Leaving Home

The countdown reached zero and then there was a second of complete stillness.  Everyone held their collective breath for that split second as they waited to see what would happen next.  What came next could only be described as a roar of unparalleled power as the rockets unleashed their fury.  The strength of their eruptions tore the shackles of Earth’s gravity.  Heaviness like pushed down on them as if to drag them back down, away from the sky, but eventually the rockets won the struggle and the ship slipped into the starry sky.

At first, there were no words.  Everyone looked out their windows at the world beneath them.  Once the home of the proud and destructive  human race, it had been ravaged over centuries of abuse and left a shell of it’s former vitality.  Too late, humanity learned from its mistakes.

Now there was only one chance left: board the New Ark and find a new home.  With DNA of every animal and plant ever catalogued and the capability of raising them from extinction, it was a symbol of new hope for mankind.  The journey would be long and hard, but the only other choice was annhilation.

Teary eyes reflected starlight as people watched a world they would never see again drift off into the abyss.  A home no more.

Behind the Random: I’ve been wanting to watch AE: After Earth lately so that probably inspired this post somewhat.  Good movie.  I should probably get around to it.

#85 – Go Out to Dinner with a Friend…

…and as soon as you get home, write in that person’s voice.  Begin with something the person said.

“What is…uhm, what…uh…that is…what…” I stammered, then I stopped to try to gather my fleeing thoughts.  Suddenly, I was lost in a labyrinth of queries.  What did I want to ask about today?

Should I ask him about dinosaurs and what they were like and what was the strongest and the second strongest or the third strongest?  Maybe I should ask him about what color they were this time.  Or wait, maybe I’ll ask how they knew they ate meat or vegetables!  Why isn’t there a dinosaur superhero?

What’s his favourite superhero again?  I don’t think he’s ever told me…wait, he did but I wasn’t listening.  I should ask again.  I still don’t understand how the Flash is a superhero since his only superpower is speed.  He’s not even strong.  I should ask about that.  I wonder who the strongest superhero ever is?  Can the Avengers beat the Justice League?  How come Superman doesn’t kill people?  How can he fly through space and not die?

How far away is the sun anyways?  How many black holes are there in the universe?  If a black hole was on Earth, what would happen?  What’s in the center of a black hole?  How long can a person live in space?  How many planets have we found?  What’s the biggest?  What’s the furthest?  What’s the biggest and the furthest?  What planets have we been to?  How long would it take to get to Pluto?  What’s at the end of the galaxy?

What’s the smallest thing in the world and what is it made of?  What’s the hardest?  What’s the softest?  What’s the sharpest?  What makes diamonds and coals?  Why do we have different metals?

I ponder my questions as he sits there in front of me, that look on his face like he’s getting bored waiting.  I shrug, “I can’t remember what I was going to ask.”

Behind the Random: I don’t get out with friends all that much anymore and doing it with short-notice is next to impossible so instead I picked my step-son as the subject which is easy since he’s in the “I-need-to-know-everything-in-universe-right-now-but-I-don’t-want-to-bother-using-the-books-that-were-given-to-me-to-find-out-on-my-own-so-I’m-going-to-ask-you” stage.  And, more often than not, he does forget what he was going to say and he’ll give up or he’ll remember something else he wanted to ask me.

#562 – It took Her Five Million Years…

…to decide on a sandwich. But when he asked her to marry her, she knew the answer was yes. Her friends and family said this was the wrong call. So here’s how the whole mess played out.

At last, the Universe’s perfect sandwich sat before her on a silver platter. The Goddess Amori smiled as she inspected her work. It had taken her a little longer than she had anticipated, but it was worth every moment of it. Every crumb was the very paragon of all things sandwich. Mere words could not even describe its resplendent form.

Picking up the platter, she held it over her head towards the sky, “Let it be known that the grandest sandwich that has and shall ever be known is now!” Light cascaded from her body, illuminating the heavens so that all could gaze upon the perfect snack.

At last, she lowered it to gaze upon her work once more. “Truly, you are perfection.”

“Thank you!” The sandwich spoke.  “I am honored to be created by such a perfect being of beauty and class.”

The young Goddess started, as even an all powerful being can be caught off-guard every millenia or so.  “You can talk!” Amori gasped.

“I am perfect, as you said.” The sandwich replied.  “And I have watched you slave over my creation.  Over these eons, I have grown fond of you and wish to ask you something.”

“What ever could a sandwich want that it does not already have?” The Goddess questioned curiously, “Even a perfect sandwich would not have many, if any, needs.”

The sandwich nodded, or as close to a nod that a sandwich could do with no neck, “I do not want for much in this existence, but what I do want, nay, need is your love and hand in marriage.”

Marriage to the perfect sandwich?  It seemed fitting for a Goddess, who were perfect themselves.  So naturally, it only made perfect sense to the Goddess.  “Of course, sandwich.  Our will be a love of perfection.”  And Amori touched her perfect lips softly against the sandwiches perfect crust.

Immediately, the air became filled with light and the presence of other perfect beings.  “You will not marry a sandwich!  No matter how perfect it may be!”  A voice commanded of her.  “As you father, I cannot allow this to transpire!”

“But our love, like ourselves, is perfect!” The Goddess pleaded into the light.  “It is the only way I can be happy!”

“You do not understand this now, Amori, but someday you will.” A motherly voice called down.  “This is the way it must be.”

“My love.” The sandwich spoke up, “Perhaps it is best that we end our tryst.  It may be the only way to keep the peace.”

“No!” Amori cried out, taking the sandwich into her hands, “I will be with you forever…or for never again!”  To the startled cry of her parents, the Goddess leaped into the void of the Universe, sandwich clutched tightly in her hands.

Time and space seemed to stop and watch as she silently plummeted into the darkness.  The stars forgot to twinkle and even the Man in the Moon seemed to take interest.  Eternity passed in the blink of an eye, though no one even batted an eyelid, and she was gone.

That was end of the story of the Goddess and the Sandwich, though they are still together forever, lost in perfection.

Behind the Random: This was one of those times where I had no idea what I was going to write about so I just let my fingers do the talking and see where it led me.  And apparently, this is what they decided on.  Call me crazy, but I like it.  It’s certainly no weirder than some of the other myths and legends from days of yore.