#97 – Describe Your Favortie Part…

…of a woman’s body using only verbs.


Behind the Random: I am a big fan of eyes, no matter the gender.  You can tell a lot by the way a person looks at you.  Even without watching someone’s body language, you can usually pick up on someone’s moods or intentions just by looking into their eyes.

In other news, only 200 left to go.  Yay!

#61 – A Woman Thinks…

…she might be living next door to her grandson.

Sharon, don’t be such a silly worry wart.  You just walk up to the door and ask him if he’s related to Matthew Bisk.  If he says no, just welcome him to the neighborhood and that’s the end of it.  If he says yes…well, we’ll cross over that bridge when we get there.

Oh, but he does have that look in his eyes doesn’t he?  And he definitely has the same smile I remember from 20 years ago.  It has to be him.  What are the odds of that though?  All these years and he would just happen to move in next door to me.

The Lord does work in strange and sometimes wonderful ways though.  This could be my only chance to reconnect with him and after Peter died, I’ve been so lonely.  I just have to see.

But what if it is him?  What do I say after all these years.  Did his dad ever tell him about me?  Does he know why we just stopped talking?  Will he hate me for it?  I don’t know if I can handle it if he does.

Oh, you’re being an old scaredy cat, Sharon.  Chances are it’s not even him and if you don’t find out now you’ll just kick yourself in the backside for not taking this chance to do it.  It’s just one little question.

Okay, here we go.  I knock on the door.  I can hear him coming.  I can do this.  I can do this.  There he is.  Oh, he looks just like Matthew.  Now I just have to ask him.

“Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.”

“Oh?  Thanks.  It’s nice to meet you…”


He’s smiling.  Is that a good thing?  Be a good thing.

“Sharon?  I’m Ryan.”

Ryan!  It is him!  It has to be him.  Now to confirm it.  Ask him about his dad.

“Oh.  Uhm…”

Just ask already!  Wait, he’s going to say something.

“Can I ask you something quick?”

“Of course you can.”

“This might sound strange, but are you related to Matthew Bisk?”

What?  He’s asking me?  He knows then?!  Oh my, that’s amazing.  Answer him already!

“I…oh, yes.  Yes I am.  Matthew was, I mean, is my son.”

He’s laughing now.  Sounds just like the way Peter laughed.

“I noticed you when I moved in and you look like the pictures dad had.  I was going to ask you but just didn’t know how to do it without sounding like a weirdo.”

“I know how you feel.  I’ve been standing here giving myself a minor heart attack myself.”

“Would you like to come in?  We can talk over coffee.”

“I would love that, Ryan.  Thank you.”

Behind the Random: Every now and then, it’s nice to do something that doesn’t end with a monster or alien or something like that.  Just an uplifting story of a grandmother reuniting with a lost grandchild.  Not that the idea for a monstrous twist didn’t nibble at the edge of my creative mind, but I managed to push it back and do something normal.

#290 – You are a Fifty-Three-Year-Old Woman…

…living in Chicago.  Write a letter to Santa.

Dear Nicholas,

How are you?  I hope you and your elves and reindeer are all good and ready for the upcoming holiday season.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering why a 53 year old woman would be writing to you.  I shouldn’t even believe you exist, right?  Well Nicholas, here’s the thing; my grandson is 6 this year and is beginning to question the whole Santa thing.  Which means he’s getting doubts about the whole nice/naughty list and has been acting out a little lately.

My daughter is at her wits end and won’t listen to my advice, so I was wondering if you could do my a personal favor.  I know you’re terribly busy this time of year, what with spying on children and getting their toys ready and what have you, but if you could find the time, would you be able to make a special trip to see my grandson.  Maybe give him a little scare tactic, make him remember the naughty list?

Do you remember when you used to steal the naughty kids away and force them to work in your workshop?  Maybe throw a little of that at him.  That might do the trick.  If you could do this, I would be forever grateful and I know you’d have a believer for life.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, Nicholas.  I hope you have a safe holiday season and happy new year.

Your friend,

Holly McCrauler

Behind the Random: For some reason, the idea of Santa Claus using scare tactics against kids just makes me giggle.  How can you tell I’m a fan of hard lessons?

#428 – Describe a Person you see Every Day

She is the love of my life and the thorn in my side.  She is the light to my shadow and the ocean that surrounds the island I have created for myself.  She makes me know what it means to be more than a man but a human.

Her smile is radiant and fills me with joy as her scowl scolds me with disapproval of my actions.  I lose myself within the depths of her deep brown eyes and I know her completely.  I know her strengths and desires and flaws and wants and needs.  I know her to be imperfectly perfect.

Bound in inked flesh and brown hair is a being of intelligence and grace and neurosis and worry.  A person who drives herself at break neck speed to escape a past she watches from her rear view mirror, pursued by the unseen demons who bay into the night for her blood.  A life fueled by compassion and hope, she seeks to change the world one life at a time and spare souls from the darkness she escaped from.

She yearns for a life she’s unsure how to live, created from a harsh stone and refined by tragedy.  Still, she carries a torch for the future high, no matter how much her hand may waiver.  She is an inspiration to me and has been my light in my darkest times.  My only wish was that the cruel tides of time hadn’t eroded her humor and dragged her sense of mirth into it’s inky depths.  Of course, she’s experienced more in her life than many twice to thrice her age, so her lack of laughter is forgiven.

Sometimes we clash apart, like magnetic forces opposing each other.  Our differences only skin deep yet miles apart.  Still, she hold so much love in her heart that it overflows into mine and I feel passions pump through ancient veins that long forgotten what it was to feel anything at all.

She is my better, my goddess, my lady.  And I wonder sometimes what she sees in this crabby ol’ fool.

Behind the Random: Now come’s the part of the post my wife hates.  Personally, I blame her.  Just before I wrote this post, I watched A Knight’s Tale (that Heath Ledger flick) filled with it’s sappy words and unrealistic tokens of affection.  Naturally, as most women do, she turned to me and asked why I never say things like that to which I replied because this was the real world and most men don’t talk like.  However, some of us can write like that.

#109 – You Wake Up by the Side of the Road…

…lying next to a bicycle, with no memory and no wallet.  What happens in the next hour?

The harsh sun blazes down on me, blinding me as I struggle to get to my feet.  I stumble and have to brace myself against a chainlink fence to keep myself from eating asphalt.  A dull ache thrums through the my head, starting from the brainstem and shooting straight through like a railroad spike into the back of eyes.  My mouth is dry, feeling like I’d been sucking in sand through a straw all night.

Which I could very well have been doing.  I can’t remember anything I did last night.  In fact, I can’t remember anything before that.  Even my own name eluded me.  It was there, as if it was hiding in some thick fog, but no matter how much I chased it, it was always just beyond my reach.

Panic begins to settle in as I begin to pat myself down, hoping to find something that might give me some clue as to who I am and how I got to be sprawled out by the road but I only find empty pockets.  The road is empty except a bike laying a few feet from where I woke up.

I judge that it must be late morning.  The sun is high, but not quite noon yet.  This puzzled me further.  This late in the day, someone should have found me by now or at least noticed me on the ground and called someone to help me.  Still, there was nothing.

I pick up the bike and hop on.  I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew I had to get away from that place.  Maybe the exercise will jog my memory or I’ll see something I recognize.  In the back of my head, I’m bemused that I can’t remember my own name but I still remember how to ride a bike.  I guess you really never forget.

The road I’m on travels past a school and into a residential area.  As I ride, I pass house after house but none of them look familiar to me.  Every place I see is dark and no cars line the streets or sit in driveways.  That’s when I realize what’s been bugging me since I woke up.  The silence.  Aside from the sound of my own breathing and the tires of my bike on road, there’s no sound of anything anywhere.  No cars down the block.  No birds chirping.  No dogs barking.

This was the final straw and I ditch the bike and run up to the first house I see.  It’s a simple little two story green house, with a fenced yard and a garden gnome standing in the little garden by the front steps.  I pull open the screendoor and knock on the door, trying to keep my hand from pounding on it in a frenzied panic.  I keep telling myself that it’s all in my head and that it’s just a dream or something.

Nobody answers the door.  I don’t even hear the sound of movement inside.  I knock again, this time louder and more frantic, but still no one comes to answer.  I leap off the steps and rush to the neighbouring house, this one a bigger red brick house, with hedges around the yard and a big yellow Tonka truck on path leading up to the door.

The sound of my hand slapping against the thick brown door echoed through the neighbourhood, like gunshots in my ear.  Still, nothing stirred anyways.  My breathes quickened as I fought to keep myself from collapsing in complete animal panic.  I can feel my hand grab the door handle and twist it open, but I can’t stop myself as I barge into the house.

I trip over the landing and practically fall into the house, almost toppling down the stairs but I manage to catch myself on the bannister.  Inside the house, it’s as quiet as it is outside.  I creep down the stairs, my next breath held captive inside my lungs as I strain my ears to catch something, anything, inside.

The basement is filled with furniture covered in white sheets.  A layer of dust covers everything, as if nothing had been in the room for a long time.  I check every room only to find the same thing.  The walls, ceiling, and carpet are all white, streaked with dust and dirt.  The only footprints on the carpet is my own.

Intense feelings well up inside of me and I want to just run out of the house but somehow I know every house will be the same.  Cold empty relics left behind by people long ago.  It’s like the entire population of the city packed up and just moved away as I lay on the ground, oblivious to the world.

The strike of the bell is so loud and sudden, I almost scream.  Another follows it, then another.  I race through the house to find the source and discover a grandfather clock standing in what looked like a living room.  It’s the only thing in the house not covered in a sheet and I wonder to myself how I could have missed when I realize that I can hear coming from outside as well.

I glance out the window to see someone walking down the street, dressed in red.  As they get closer, I can see that it’s a woman wearing silk pajamas and she looks dazed.  I smile, the first one I’ve had since I woke up an hour ago.

Behind the Random: For this assignment, I essentially made a note of the time and then let my fingers do the writing for an hour.  So the fact that it cuts off without any real ending or explanation is intentional in a way.  Irritating, isn’t it?  Maybe I’ll come back and continue the story sometime.

#307 – A Day in the Life…

…of the person sitting next to you.

I wake up sprawled on the floor, the warm sun heating my body against the linoleum of the kitchen.  My sight is blurry at first as my eyes adjust to the bright light.

Getting to my feet, I yawn and stretch.  My joints pop and creak as I arch my back.  I don’t remember falling asleep in the kitchen but that wouldn’t be the first time.

Hunger strikes my belly and it lets out a dissatisfied growl of protest.  However, I notice my woman hasn’t laid out my food yet.

Irritation tweaks at my face, forcing me to grumble.  She knows I like to eat as soon as I awaken.  Yet once again, she disappoints me.  I don’t ask much.  Is such a simple task so easy to mess up.

Clearly she hasn’t learned from the last time she forgot her place in this relationship.  Squaring my shoulders, I head for the stairs that lead to the bedroom where she is undoubtedly still asleep while I sit here, miserable and hungry.

I plod up the steps, each one making me angrier.  However, before I reach the top, I hear a giggle.  Her youngest child, a little girl, looks down at me from the top of the stairs.  Immediately I freeze.

I hold on to hope that today will be different.  Once again I am wrong.  The girl’s smile widens and she practically flies down the stairs at me.  Its fight or flight.  Neither happens as she wraps her arms around me in a suffocating embrace.  I manage a startled squeak before the air is pushed out of my lungs as I struggle against her vice-like hold.

My attempts to wrestle free only make her hold on to me tighter.  Escape seems impossible until finally a loud commanding voice barks from the top of the stairs, demanding that I be released.  Reluctantly, the girl reliquishes her grasp of me and I’m able to breathe again.  In fear, she vanishes down the stairs to escape her mothers wrath.

My woman takes me into her arms, much more gently than her daughter ever could, and takes me the rest of the way up the stairs and into the bedroom.  There, she lays me down beside her and strokes my side.  She is so gentle and loving that I almost forget why I was heading up to see her to begin with.

Before I can report my dissatisfaction however, she presents me with some chips that she’d been snacking on earlier.  In a forgiving mood, I contentedly share in her food as I begin to plan the rest of my day.  Maybe I would clean out underneath the couch.  Or perhaps investigate that strange dancing dot that continues to elude me.  I do know that another nap in the sun is in order.

Life may have it’s ups and downs, but there’s nothing I’d rather be than a cat.

Behind the Random: If I had followed the rules, I would have likely written about my wife but that would have been too normal and not as much fun.  So I chose one of our cats instead.  And anyone who argues that a cat doesn’t count as a person clearly hasn’t spent time with a cat.  They have more personality than some people I’ve met in my life.