#313 – Your Grandmother…

…gave you a book that you refuse to read.  What’s the book?   Write a thank-you note to your grandmother, pretending that you read it.

Dear Grandma,

I just want to thank you for the Bible you sent me.  I just got it yesterday and, as I’m sure you know, I was surprised.  After all, you can never have too many bibles around the house, right?  I think I now have enough for every room in my house now so no matter where I go, I can pick up from wherever I left off when I left the last room.  So that’s convenient.  Or maybe I can start each one at different times and it’ll give me an idea what rooms I spend more time in than any other.  My bet is the bathroom.  Anyways, I just want to drop you a line and let you know I got the bible safe and sound and to say thank you.

So thanks.

Love you all,

#1 Grandson

Behind the Random: To start with, before I get some thumpers thumping me with their thumpery thumpyness, this has less to do with my heathen ways and more to do with the fact that I just don’t enjoy reading the bible.  Cuz I have.  Or part of it.  And nope.  Fortunately, my surviving grandmother isn’t the churchy type so the chance of this happening is slim…unless she see’s this and decides to prank me.

#40 – Describe Each Person in Your Family…

…with just one word.

Wife: Passionate
Stepson: Gifted
Stepdaughter: Imaginitive
Dad: Daring
Mom: Smart
Brother: Driven
Dad’s Dad: Strong
Dad’s Mom: Loving
Mom’s Dad: Tough
Mom’s Mom: Understanding
Mom’s Little Brother: Witty
Dad’s Big Brother: Stubborn
Dad’s Little Brother: Different
Dad’s Big Sister: Old-Fashioned
Dad’s Little Sister: Compassionate
Step-Aunt: Giving

Behind the Random: This one was a short one.  I suppose I could elaborate one the word but then that wouldn’t be using one word to describe them.  I also could have gone through all of my family but I have a lot of cousins and some of them I don’t know well enough to really accurately describe in one word without becoming redundant.