#179 – Your Favorite Hiding Spot

Nobody ever looks up.

Something I discovered when I was a kid playing hide and seek.  They will look in, under, and around things but they never look up.  Even when I was in trouble or wanted to be alone and needed to disappear fast, up a tree or onto a rooftop was the best place to go.

At my grandparents old house, there was a tree by their garage that was perfect for this, especially in the late spring and summer when the leaves made someone practically invisible to anyone who did happen to glance skywards.  The branches were set like a staircase, as long as you were able to scramble up onto that first bough.  Halfway up, there was a comfortable set of branches that one could just sit and not worry about falling, as long as you didn’t move too much.

Many hours were spent up there, watching the world pass by.  I even dragged a book up with me a few times to have a place to read without distraction.  It was the perfect hiding spot and it was a sad day when I learned I’d gotten too big to climb it comfortably.

Behind the Random: Sometimes I miss the fearlessness of being a kid again.  Once my goal used to be to climb to the very top of a tree.  Now, in those rare moments I find myself in a tree, my goal is to not fall to a tumbling sappy bludgeoning death.  The same with scrambling over fences and crawling through tight spaces and all those other amazing feats kids perform without a second thought to their well being.  Are we more afraid or do we just better understand the consequences of failure?

#40 – Describe Each Person in Your Family…

…with just one word.

Wife: Passionate
Stepson: Gifted
Stepdaughter: Imaginitive
Dad: Daring
Mom: Smart
Brother: Driven
Dad’s Dad: Strong
Dad’s Mom: Loving
Mom’s Dad: Tough
Mom’s Mom: Understanding
Mom’s Little Brother: Witty
Dad’s Big Brother: Stubborn
Dad’s Little Brother: Different
Dad’s Big Sister: Old-Fashioned
Dad’s Little Sister: Compassionate
Step-Aunt: Giving

Behind the Random: This one was a short one.  I suppose I could elaborate one the word but then that wouldn’t be using one word to describe them.  I also could have gone through all of my family but I have a lot of cousins and some of them I don’t know well enough to really accurately describe in one word without becoming redundant.

#248 – Five Things…

…you wish you’d asked your grandmother or grandfather.

1. Where did you get the inspiration for fire?

2. Was the Ice Age really that cold?

3. What did dinosaurs taste like?

4. Who did you was better at poker, George Washington or Alexander the Great?

5. When did the Big Bang happen exactly?

Behind the Random: I’ll be honest, I almost forgot about today’s post.  I have plans tonight and remembered at the last minute.  Even so, I had no real plans to do anything insightful or personal anyways.  So instead, you get the customary “My grandparents are so old…” bit.  Do I get points for using all five W’s at least?